Wednesday, September 14, 2011

2011-05-22 Year of the Rabbit GMS

This piece was commissioned by Grant Mortgage Solutions Ltd for 2011, Year of the Rabbit. Very intricate details not only does it focus on the zodiacs but also the 4 elements (Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire). You see on the left the Tiger (2010) fading into the back ground as it is the past and in the panel are mountains representing Earth. On the right is the Dragon (2012) starting to come into focus as it represents the future and in the panel there are flames representing Fire. In the center it is black because it in the present and in focus the Year of the Rabbit. In this panel there are droplets representing Water. In between each panel are grey swirls representing Wind. The main colour in one panel becomes the colour of the element in another panel. I'm very happy that GMS has this piece on display for all to enjoy!

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